High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) (超声刀) uses focused ultrasound energy to target the layers of skin just below the surface. The ultrasound energy causes the tissue to heat up rapidly.
For the uninitiated, HIFU delivers the power of ultrasound energy deep into the skin. It targets the dermis and SMAS layers to stimulate reproduction of collagen, a type of protein that gives the skin its shape. This increase in collagen synthesis leads to tighter, firmer skin.
Because the SMAS layer is where surgeons target during a surgical facelift, HIFU has earned itself a reputation of being a non-surgical facelift.
It is a safe and effective treatment for facial lifting and refining wrinkles. People were able to see results in a few months after treatment, without the risks associated with surgery.
While the procedure is also used for overall facial rejuvenation, lifting, tightening, and body contouring, these are considered “off-label” uses for HIFU, meaning the FDA has yet to approve HIFU for these purposes.
So far, HIFU has been found to be a promising treatment that could replace face lifts, especially in younger people who don’t want the risks and recovery time associated with surgery. HIFU won’t work as well for people with more severe cases of sagging skin. Also, people with photodamaged skin or a high degree of loose skin may need several treatments before seeing results. Older people with more extensive photo-aging, severe skin laxity, or very saggy skin on the neck aren’t good candidates and may need surgery.
In summary, HIFU has many aesthetic benefits, including:
wrinkle reduction
tightening sagging skin on the neck (sometimes called turkey neck)
lifting the cheeks, eyebrows, and eyelids
enhancing jawline definition
tightening of the décolletage
smoothing the skin

Aging affects us all – the way we act, the way we feel, and definitely the way we look. But with advancements in skin care, you can have a say in the way aging affects your skin – and maybe even get back to the way you looked not so long ago.
Hooding, fine lines and even brow line can make us look worn-down. Thermage® treats the upper and lower eyelids to help you look more youthful and rested.
As we age, phrases like “turkey neck”, loose jowls, sagging skin and “what happened to my jawline?” creep in. Thermage® smooths lines and wrinkles and remodels collagen for the overall health of the skin.
Aging doesn’t just affect the skin on our faces, our bodies see the effects too, with crepe-y, sagging skin and unwanted bulges and dimples. Thermage® is a non-invasive way to smooth the skin on our bodies and even temporarily improve the appearance of cellulite.
Thermage® is a minimally invasive rejuvenation and tightening procedure which utilizes radiofrequency waves to penetrate deep into the skin. It is a FDA approved treatment of facial wrinkles, and also the only system which is FDA-approved for treatment of the eyelids. The treatment will stimulate your body’s natural renewal of collagen and lead to skin tightening and contouring.
It works in just one treatment with little down time and delivers a natural looking result. It’s you, just younger looking and more confident.

Shockwave Therapy is an established and effective treatment for soft-tissue injuries. Shockwaves stimulate the regeneration of skeletal muscle tissue and accelerate repair processes.
It is widely used in physiotherapy, podiatry, sports medicine, urology and orthopedics to provide fast pain relief and increased mobility; and it is increasingly used as a treatment for health problems such as erectile dysfunction, slow-healing wounds, cellulite and neurological conditions.
Shockwave Therapy machines pass short, intense energy sound waves, travelling faster than the speed of sound, into affected tissues. This causes microtrauma, increases blood flow and stimulates an acute inflammatory response which aids the healing process.
The many benefits of Shockwave Therapy:
Quick Recovery
Fewer potential complications
No anesthesia
Non invasive
No medication
Fast treatment: 20 minutes per session
Significant clinical benefit: often seen 6 to 8 weeks after treatment

Iron is essential for performance because of its role in energy metabolism, oxygen transport & acid-base balance. The oxidative capacity of the muscle is reduced when an athlete is iron deficient. The average person has 3,000-4,000mg of iron in the body. 1-2mg is lost and 1-2mg is absorbed and utilised daily. Every 1ml of blood contains 0.5mg of iron and excess blood loss is the key cause of iron deficiency.
1 in 3 women suffer from iron deficiency. Heavy Menstrual Bleeding (HMB) is the leading cause of iron deficiency putting women at increased risk. Also, during pregnancy the iron requirements increase significantly - especially in the 3rd trimester. Unfortunately diet alone cannot always support the increased iron demands and oral iron supplements are often poorly tolerated or not effective.
If iron deficiency is not treated it may lead to impaired quality of life, a reduced immune system and ultimately result in anaemia.
In the last decade new preparations of iron have been developed that permit 'total dose' infusions safely in 15 to 30 minutes. At Miiren, we can safely and effectively give you enough iron to replenish your iron stores in a singly treatment.
An iron infusion is considerably faster (1hour) and more effective than iron tablets (6-12 months). Iron is delivered straight to the muscles and bone marrow, where it is needed most and patients treated in our clinic routinely advise symptomatic improvements within ~ 48 hours to 1 week.
Following the infusion, provided you maintain a healthy diet which includes iron, you will not need any further treatment with iron tablets.

Body shaping with High Intensity Electromagnetic waves energy to promote the muscles to contract at their peak power and ability!
The innovative system provides a non-invasive, pain-free procedure that is able to tone and lift the buttocks without the need for excessive exercise or invasive surgery. This high-intensity muscle workout leads to the remodeling and enhancement of muscles, as well as effective fat burning to tighten the buttocks without surgery or to remove annoying fat deposits on the hips and abdomen non-invasively.
During the treatment, around 16% muscle is built up and around 19% fat is lost in the same process. The treatment helps in the long term to a toned and fit body image with no downtime nor with anesthesia risks.
For an effective result, four sessions at intervals of two to three days are usually necessary — at least 48 hours must be in between. Just four to six weeks after the last session, you can look forward to the effect of the treatment, which will only increase over the next few weeks.